The documentary is inspired by Girona Province in Spain and tells a story of a generation of the past – one
of social change and adaptation, that is. “La imatge d’un passat” shows how industrialisation shaped new towns, infrastructure and architecture in Catalonia, and how the movement took inspiration from neighboring Britain. Model towns – or ‘colònies’ in Catalan, like East Tilbury, in Essex, controlled by Tomasz Bata’s empire, were copied throughout the territory. The project features interviews with both former workers from these factories, and newcomers to these communities. Exploring the remains of historically prosperous productive motors: what these places have kept from the past, and what they’ve left behind.
This documentary follows my article from Bata-Ville,
87 Years Later. In a previous issue of Smiths Magazine, Path’s Made By Walking, I briefly explored hauntology over an abandoned past in East Tilbury, Essex. Following is a collection of stills from those who were kind enough to be interviewed.
Montse Ricart- Born and raised in Estebanell. She tells us about her childhood as the daughter of a factory worker.
Jaume and Montserrat Cirera. Brother and sister. They were children to the last director at Estebanell, fleeing 50 years ago.
Maria Canaleta and her son, Josep Maria. She worked at the textile factory in Bonmatí. He shares stories from his childhood.